Directions: Read Chapters VI-X of Oliver Twist of Charles Dickens. For your blog responses, please consider the following questions:
1) What attracts poor people to go and live in a capital city like London? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a move?
2) How did John Dawkins acquire the nickname, "The Artful Dodger?"
3) Select a major quotation to characterize each of the following characters and explain the reasons behind your choice: The Artful Dodger, Fagin, Mr. Brownlow, and Mr. Grimwig.
4) From Oliver’s from the point of view, how does he view each of the aforementioned characters?
5) Do you think it was better for Oliver to be with Fagin and his boys or with Mr. and Mrs. Sowerberry? Give reasons for your answer.
Audiobook - Find a Chapter
Ch. 2 - 6:55
Ch. 3 - 29:43
Ch. 4 - 47:58
Ch. 5 - 1:02:33
Ch. 6 - 1:25:40
Ch. 7 - 1:36:02
Ch. 8 - 1:49:30
Ch. 9 - 2:07:10
Drew Wachtel
ReplyDeleteI think what attracts poor people to London is that there is a lot of jobs for everyone to make some money. In Oliver’s case he wanted to blend in with all of the other people in the big city so Mr.Bumble doesn’t find him.
John Dawkins got his nickname because of how he never gets caught when stealing from other people in the streets of London. Also he got his nickname by how sneaky he is.
'See if you can take it out, without my feeling it; as you saw them do, when we were at play this morning.' I picked this quote because it is the first real indication what the Jew and the boys are really doing for work every single day and how much jewelry they all have.
I think Oliver thinks that they are really cool and I think that it is the first time that people actually cares about him and feeds him great food and not bread and gruel everyday.
I think that it is better with the fagin boys because he doesn’t get made fun of and also he gets feed real food and not leftovers every night. I also think that the fagin boys care about him and teach him new things even though they are teaching him how to steal and break the law.
Rene Roustand
ReplyDeleteJohn Dawkings gets his name 'The Dodger' from pickpocketing unsuspecting citizens, and getting away quickly before the police come and take him in.
you have to do all of the questions
DeleteDavis Blanch
ReplyDeleteThe city has a higher population so there are more possible ways of getting money and a higher possibility of getting a job somewhere.
He earned the nickname from being good at evading the police and getting away from the people he pickpocketed.
The Artful Dodger- “See if you can take it out, without my feeling it” I chose this quote because it coveys what John personality is.
Oliver feels like he fits in with them and he likes them more than for example Mr.Bumble because they don't force him to eat gruel.
I feel like it is better for Oliver to be with Fagin and others than Mr/Mrs. Sowerberry because he doesn't want to constantly kill Fagin and the others.
Ben Worthley
ReplyDeleteWhat attracts poor people to go and live in a capital city like London? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a move?
I think that in Oliver’s case it is good because he doesn't want to be found. London is a big city it would take one person a long time to find someone. Like Mr. Bumble. If he went looking for oliver it might take him a long time. And oliver is in the back corner of london. It would take a long time to find him. People at the time where poor. It was also a crime to be poor so it would be convenient for the people that time to be in the corner of a big city so if the law did come they could get away faster because the police will have to find the person first. If you are poor the move might be because of money. Housing in the poorer neighborhood might be not as expensive.
Frankie Huntress
ReplyDeleteWhat attracts poor peapole to cities is there are lots of factorys and jobs and if the beg there are more peaople to give them money the disatvatiges are that you might die from bad work envioment of wide spread virous
He got his name from how he never got caught stelling in london
'See if you can take it out, without my feeling it; as you saw them do, when we were at play this morning.' this shows how much jelery they realy have and what they realy do
He likes them becsue they are nice and give them real food
I think he is better with the faggins becuse he isn bullyed and beaten even though they are breaking the law
Abhi Sharma
ReplyDeleteI think that poor people are attracted to a city like London because there are good jobs where you can make a lot of money and Oliver just wanted to be normal and have a good life and stay away from Mr. Bumble. John Dawkins got the nickname The Artful Dodger by pickpocketing and stealing from innocent people and he never gets caught by the police or by anyone else. “See if you can take it out, without my feeling it.”. I chose this quote because it shows the work that boys are really doing. Oliver thinks that they are pretty cool and feels like he fits in that group.
I think that Oliver should be with his boys because he is treated well by the boys and they actually feed him real food instead of gruel and leftovers from the kitchen. They also teach him new stuff which is stealing.
Lucas Kaufman
ReplyDeleteThe next five chapters of Oliver Twist explore his departure from the Sowerberry estate, his solo journey to London, and the beginning of his acquaintanceship with Fagin and his boys once he gets there. He leaves the Sowerberrys by running away following the climax of his strained relationship with Noah, and once far enough from their home thinks of where he will go to live, this being the first time he has a say in anything in his life. His mind immediately drifts to London, the capital city of the country he called home, as the sheer size of the place and multitude of people would effectively guarantee his permanent freedom from Mr. Bumble, and that he could lead many different lives in a place he had heard held such great opportunity. He walked for a week, and was nearly there when he encountered the young John Dawkins, also known as “The Artful Dodger”. He “was about [Oliver’s] own age: but one of the queerest looking boys that Oliver had even seen. He was a snub-nosed, flat-browed, common-faced boy enough; and as dirty a juvenile as one would wish to see; but he had about him all the airs and manners of a man. He was short of his age: with rather bow-legs, and little, sharp, ugly eyes.” The two became acquainted, found each other friendly, and then the Dodger then invited Oliver to come stay with him at his home (which happened to be in London) and also provided sanctuary for numerous other boys and an elderly gentleman by the name of Fagin, of whom the Dodger seems to be a particular protégé. Upon meeting Fagin in London, Oliver seemed to be intimidated by the old man, who was described as “a very old shrivelled Jew, whose villainous-looking and repulsive face was obscured by a quantity of matted red hair. He was dressed in a greasy flannel gown, with his throat bare; and seemed to be dividing his attention between the frying-pan and the clothes-horse, over which a great number of silk handkerchiefs were hanging.” Oliver initially has a great many questions about Fagin’s lifestyle, but eventually comes to appreciate living far better off than his ten years would make someone believe possible. Just as this happens, however, he is finally given permission to go out to work with the Dodger and his associate Charley Bates, and discovers to his dismay that the boys are in fact thieves, obtaining all their precious goods from pickpocketing the nobility. Oliver, at this point, realizes that the Dodger obtained such a nickname from being very able in artfully dodging the law in his thefts of handkerchiefs and other items one might find in a pocket. Because of this, he failed to clear the crime scene following the Dodger’s first theft of the outing, concluding the section with his being blamed for the act. This life of crime is still (for Oliver) better than what he suffered, or would have suffered, under the Sowerberrys, as his living conditions and treatment under all his superiors (including Noah) would have gotten significantly worse after his very much provoked attack on the family. Under Fagin, he may have to break the law, but he is at least treated well and lives in relatively good conditions with some people he could actually call friends.
Lucas Kaufman
DeleteInformation about Mr. Brownlow and/or Mr. Grimwig is missing because I don't ever remember being introduced to either character (as in seeing either name) in the section, so I am assuming that their names in the questions are simply an error and that we are yet to meet them.
Agreed - Jayden
DeletePeyton Levental
ReplyDeletehat most poor people come to live in London because there is a lot of work all around, there are a lot of opportunities. Some advantages would be that there are many chances to get a job. A disadvantage would be that there is little pay and it will be very hard to survive. John Dawkins acquired the nickname, "The Artful Dodger" because he is very good at dodging when getting in trouble. The Artful Dodger, Fagin, Mr. Brownlow, and Mr. Grimwig. Oliver views each of these characters by mean and scary figures who are abusers. I think he is better with the Fagin boys because he is treated like some what of a person and gets fed food and not only the leftovers.
I think that***
DeleteJayden Cho
1. London, the Capital city of England and such a powerful city at this time period. London was a place for hopes and dreams that everyone had as a child, a place where there was work that can be found anywhere, and whether you were rich or poor, there were many ways to achieve money. It was such a huge city that Oliver Twist even says, “London!—that great place!—nobody—not even Mr. Bumble—could ever find him there!” (Ch. VIII). He might’ve said this just for the fact that it is a big city, or his impression that anyone can be anybody in London. The advantages of this move would be to escape the Sowerbury’s, and their harsh and cruel punishments. He would also have the possibility of a better life, one where his future could be brighter and prosperous. However, advantages come with disadvantages, and there are plenty along the way. The walk will be 70+ miles long, and with only a loaf of bread as his only food source and on penny, this brave adventure slowly turned into a desperate and long journey of him pleading for food and help along the way. Some other disadvantages for this move is the also certain possibility of him not making it to London, not finding any luck there, and can possibly go wrong in many ways.
2. Along his long journey to London, he meets a quite interesting young gentleman who’s name is John Dawkins. Through Oliver’s thoughts, he describes him as a, “ snub-nosed, flat-browed, common-faced boy enough; and as dirty a juvenile as one would wish to see; but he had about him all the airs and manners of a man. He was short of his age: with rather bow-legs, and little, sharp, ugly eyes.” John Dawkins goes by the name “The Artful Dodger”, and we can tell later in the chapter why he goes by this name. He seems to be a very experienced smooth talker, and can go away from everything. Later in the book we realize that he is a thief, and is called the Artful Dodger for he has never been caught and is very experienced in this art of thievery. We can see him later in action right in front of Oliver when he steals a handkerchief quite successfully, before Oliver ruins it
3. The Artful Dodger: “The boy who addressed this inquiry to the young wayfarer, was about his own age: but one of the queerest looking boys that Oliver had even seen. He was a snub-nosed, flat-browed, common-faced boy enough; and as dirty a juvenile as one would wish to see; but he had about him all the airs and manners of a man. He was short of his age: with rather bow-legs, and little, sharp, ugly eyes.” I chose this quotation for it is Oliver’s first impression of his interesting and strange friend, and describes him from Oliver’s perspective, which is very useful. You can tell from Oliver’s first impression that the Artful Dodger looks like a mischievous thief, and is just a very shady person.
Fagin: “standing over them, with a toasting-fork in his hand, was a very old shrivelled Jew, whose villainous-looking and repulsive face was obscured by a quantity of matted red hair. He was dressed in a greasy flannel gown, with his throat bare; and seemed to be dividing his attention between the frying-pan and the clothes-horse, over which a great number of silk handkerchiefs were hanging.” I chose this quote for Fagin because it is also stressed later on as Oliver referring to Fagin as a Jew. Fagin also like the Artful Dodger seems to be a very sketchy person, and is shown later on as the head of his thieving gang. He seems kind at first, but is later shown just to act as a kind and generous person in order to gain Oliver’s talent for pickpocketing and stealing.
4. Oliver changes his way of seeing the Artful Dodger as well as Fagin. Fagin only rewards his boys when they succeed in stealing something, and is only kind in exchange for something valuable. The Artful Dodger seems to act like a buddy to Oliver Twist, but there has not been to much of his appearance after he introduces Oliver to Fagin.
5. Although I think both options were not the best, Fagin and his crew seems to be a much better place for Oliver. The Sowerberry’s were cruel and very punishing, and Oliver hated the environment he had to work in, as well as the how he was treated. However, Fagin and his crew give him lots of food in exchange for him acting well, and even act as friends to him. Oliver definitely seems to enjoy being in the company of Fagin, and is treated much better now.
Oliver aspires to be in London because Mr.buble wont be able to find him. It is also a town of poor people so he won't be alone or at least won't have trouble locating a place to stay or friends to have. It's furthermore a good reason for Oliver to stay in London on account of the high and rising population and with it, he will have more opportunities to obtain money.
The Artful Dodger- “He wore a man's coat, which reached nearly to his heels. He had turned the cuffs back … to get his hands out of the sleeves … He was, altogether, as roistering and swaggering a young gentleman as ever stood four feet six, or something less, in his bluchers.”
This quote perfectly describes the artful dodger because it illustrates his appearance, the plausible facade that he puts on to act bigger than he truly is.
Fagin- “Oliver wondered what picking the old gentleman's pocket in play, had to do with his chances of being a great man. But thinking that the Jew [Fagin], being so much his senior, must know best, he followed him quietly to the table; and was soon deeply involved in his new study.”
This represents Fagin because it is one of Oliver's first interpretations of him, although they're lightly anti-semetic it's still what Oliver first sees when he meets him.
Mr.Brownlow- did not meet
Mr.Grimwig- did not meet
I think it's better for Oliver to be with Fagin and the boys because they are a pact in their own way, they care for each other and they deal with their problems together. The Sowerberrys house was dangerous and hostile whenever Mr. Sowerberry wasn’t around so sooner or later someone would've gotten hurt.
Lucas Kaufman
DeleteMr. Bublé tho
Sophia Lakos
ReplyDeleteI think London attracts homeless people because it is such a populated place with big companies that are looking for work. Also, they have more shelters available there and it may be easier to collect money. John Dawkins got the nickname “The Artful Dodger” because he did risky things and avoided being caught. Like in London you weren’t aloud to ask for money but he knew how to do it and avoid being caught.
I think that poor people are attracted to a city like London because there are good jobs where you can make a lot of money and Oliver just wanted to be normal and have a good life and stay away from Mr. Bumble. John Dawkins got the nickname The Artful Dodger by pick pocketing and stealing from innocent people and he never gets caught by the police. “See if you can take it out, without me feeling it.”. i chose this quote to show how slick and sneaky he was. Oliver thinks that they are pretty cool and feels like he fits in that group.
ReplyDeleteI think that Oliver should be with the boys because he is treated well by them and they actually feed him real food instead of grule and leftovers from the kitchen. They also taught him new stuff that is against the law or stealing.
James K
Lucy Elerath
ReplyDelete1. Big cities have a higher population than the suburbs but in most cases, it costs more to live there. The logic of a poor person is ‘there are more people and they are more wealthy so I can beg and make more than I usually would.’ Also, the big capital cities were there the economy was thriving so it might have been easier to get a job. Oliver decides he wants to go there to escape the beatles grasp.
2. John Dawkins is introduced in chapter 8. He meets Oliver and he is around the same age but relatively a smooth talker, he is more experienced and he is very careful with his words. He meets Oliver and takes him to his house but along the way kinda brags that he has another place to stay in another city & the place he is in that town he stays there for free. When the two boys get to the house The Artful Dodger lies about where Oliver is from and tells Oliver he does not have to pay and the landlord won’t get on his case. When you see how this kid works he parallels to Tom Sawyer.
4. He can see now how the Artful Dodger got his name and sees that Mr. Fagin was only soft towards the boys when they are ‘working well’. The
5. It is hard to determine which stiuation he was in was better, with Mr. and Mrs. Sowerberry or Fagin and the boys. When he was with Mr. and Mrs. Sowerberry he was yelled at and given no comfortable place to sleep and he had to work and deal with the people around him make fun and belittle him. When he is with Fagin and the boys he is given his own bed and has ‘friends’ and does not have to pay and he is laughing for the first time in the novel, however when the boys don’t do their jobs they are punished harshly by Fagin, and he is realizing their ‘work’ is stealing from peoples pockets in the streets. We can tell that when Oliver first met the Dodger he thought he would be better off and found the situation cool, but now he is seeing how it really is and does not want to be a part of it.
Mitch Keamy
ReplyDeleteQuestion 3, John Dawkins is nicknamed “The Artful Dodger” because of his sleight of hand when it comes to thievery. He never gets caught stealing, which he does so he can stay alive. Question 4, Oliver sees few of the other characters as friends. Aside from the boys in the poor house and the few adults who were nice to him, He is constantly mistreated by his peers.
Gannon Sylvester
ReplyDeleteEnglish ©
5) Do you think it was better for Oliver to be with Fagin and his boys or with Mr. and Mrs. Sowerberry? Give reasons for your answer.
I think that it is better for Oliver to be with Fagin and his boys because it resembles more of a family to him than one he has ever had before. Even though they are all basically criminals, and may not be the sweetest of the bunch, they still treat him like a human being and act as though he is one of them. As well the sowerberrys were very cruel and punishing to Oliver and it was not a good environment for him. He was worked like a dog and was only fed scraps of food and leftovers when he was with them. While being with Fagin and basically being taught to steal from people, and it may not be the best environment for him either, but at least he has people who will now look out for him and people he can call his friends.
Evan Brenner
ReplyDeleteWhat attracts poor people to go live in a capital city like London is that is has such a large population and many things to do. This gives them a chance to get a job and gain money. The disadvantages are that there could be more bad people living there.
John Dawkins acquired the nickname, "The Artful Dodger” because he very good at pickpocketing as a kid.
He thought Artful Dodger was strange. He was impressed by John Dawkins skills. He though Brownlow was a very mean or unkind person.
I think it would be better for Oliver to be with Fagin and his boys because he’s much safer around them. Also there is a little chance he will get hurt and has much more freedom.