Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Poetry & the Arts Opportunities

Overview:  The poetry club would like to put together an AHS Literary Magazine.  We are accepting submissions of poems, artwork, and short fiction.  We would also like to include a section where students share their favorite poems with a brief paragraph describing its significance for said student.  We are also looking for any students who would like to be involved in compiling and editing the book with us.  There will be informational meetings on Wednesday after school in room 201 with me.

Further, we are looking for anyone interested in attending the LTAB poetry workshop Cypher at Emerson College on Saturday, May 4th with Mr. Pellerin.  It is an opportunity to engage in poetry workshops with published authors and young people from surrounding towns.  Please see me for details.

Due Friday, June 14th - All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Mr. Pellerin's Freshmen English

Overview :  Go back to our first blog, and walk through the 2018-2019 school year.  Revisit the books we read and our class responses.  Look...