our society and around the world today.
Directions: Please read and review part II of Anthem by Ayn Rand, pages 38-51. Next, compose a blog response using at 2-3 of the questions below as a guide and 2-3 direct quotations in your response. Remember to read each other’s comments and have a discussion. Note: If you see a number of your classmates writing about a particular question, please choose a different one. Lets try to cover everything as a class! I look forward to your responses.
- What does Equality mean when he says, "They"?
- Who is Liberty and what does she do?
- What is a Transgression of Preference? How did Equality commit such a transgression or transgressions?
- What is the Time of Mating? Why does Equality think of being sent to the Palace of Mating as being a "shameful matter"?
- How are children raised in Equality's society?
- Why doesn't Liberty want Equality to be one of her brothers?
- Why does Equality care about Liberty's age?
- What is wrong with Equality's brothers?
- Why is Equality afraid of the Uncharted Forest?
- What are the Unmentionable Times?
- What is the punishment for speaking the Unspeakable Word?