Optional Working Outline
- Introduction with thesis statement (1 paragraph)
- Part I (1-2 Paragraphs) – Poem one - Analysis and your opinion
- Part II (1-2 Paragraphs) – Poem two - Analysis and your opinion
- Part III (1-2 Paragraphs) – Poem three - Analysis and your opinion
- Part IV (1-2 Paragraphs) - Your personal analysis of the works
- Conclusion (1 Paragraph)
- Less than the requirements
- Incomplete
The C Essay
- Fulfills the criteria
- At least four body paragraphs, an intro and conclusion
- Analyzes three poems: one sonnet, one poetry 180 poem, and one of your choice
- Good understanding of three poems
- General thesis statement
The B Essay
- Covers the basics of the C essay and...
- Has the C elements
- Uses literary devices
- Three poems are carefully chosen and analyzed in depth
- Specific thesis statement
The A Essay
- Covers the more advanced elements of the B essay and...
- Has a thematic link among all three poems
- Literary devices are analyzed in how they make meaning in the works
- Smooth transitions from idea to idea
- Poems are complex and lend themselves to analysis
- The writing is passionate about the poems and uses literary devices properly
- Nuanced thesis statement
Make sure to use proper format and include a works cited.