Overview: We have come to the end of our initial analysis of Ayn Rand’s cautionary tale, Anthem as well as Robert Reich’s documentary Inequality of All. Each warns its audience of a problem staring them in the face, and how they are manipulated by a system. Ironically, both have traditionally been aligned with opposite sides of the political spectrum, Reich as a Democrat and Rand as a Republican. However, let’s look beyond party politics and think for ourselves. Both champion individual thought and reason. Both believe we need to go beyond groupthink and look at the facts. Thinking for yourself is key. Do not passively believe what is fed by the government, media outlets, school, peers, or other forms of hearsay. Even the work we did in this unit. Do not take my word. Study. Explore.
Directions: Finish reading Anthem by Ayn Rand and viewing Inequality for All. Next, answer ALL questions below in a blog response. These study questions require your opinion, so it will be interesting to see the various ways your classmates view the material. As always, use direct quotations in your response and return to the blog, read, and respond to your fellow classmates.
Chs. XI and XII
1. "I am. I think. I will" What is the significance of those words to you? Explain fully.
2. Explain what Equality means by the creed of corruption?
3. What did Equality learn about slavery and freedom? Why did men give up their freedom once they earned it?
4. Discuss any three of the precepts which Equality adopts as his guide to life? Do you see any similarity between them and the thoughts of Robert Reich in Inequality for All? Explore. You may have to write an essay comparing the two. π
5. Now that you finished both works, what kind of action could you take in order to be an authentic self? To make an impact on the economic crisis? Again, who knows if this will be part of your final essay? π
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Due Friday, June 14th - All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Mr. Pellerin's Freshmen English
Overview : Go back to our first blog, and walk through the 2018-2019 school year. Revisit the books we read and our class responses. Look...

Overview : Go back to our first blog, and walk through the 2018-2019 school year. Revisit the books we read and our class responses. Look...
Overview : In Anthem, we witness a society in which the government wishes to control its population by training its citizens from birth. ...
Overview : Every story is just a piece of the larger story of our lives. Yet, we tend to judge people's lives on moments. We do the s...
Peyton Levental
ReplyDelete1. "I am. I think. I will" What is the significance of those words to you? Explain fully.
The significance in that sentence is very great. It shows the giant steps that Equality as a human being is growing and is learning more and more. Equality feels a seance of excellence in himself and says, " This, my body and spirit, this is the end of my quest" (94). This shows that he feels very high and mighty because of how he was enlightened in his journey. The sentence "I am. I think. I will", shows Independence which is also another great new quality of equality.
2. Explain what Equality means by the creed of corruption?
What Equality means by creed of corruption is that he is done with using the word "We". Equality does not want to speak for all. He says that, " It is the word by which the depraved steal the virtue of the good, by which the weak steal the might of the strong, by which the fools steal the wisdom of the sages" (97). What he means by this is that the people who are dumb are equaled out with the smart and the people who are smart are forced to be equaled out with the dumb. Equality does not like this at all.
3. What did Equality learn about slavery and freedom? Why did men give up their freedom once they earned it?
What equality learns about freedom is that "...man was enslaved by the gods. But he broke their chains. Then he was enslaved by the kings. But he broke their chains. He was enslaved by his birth, by his kin, by his race. But he broke their chains" (101). He also learns that you dont have to be a king or a god to have the rights. They gave their freedom right back up when they started to worship the word "we". They started to only work with each other as one and not perusing ones dreams to becoming their own person.
4. Discuss any three of the precepts which Equality adopts as his guide to life? Do you see any similarity between them and the thoughts of Robert Reich in Inequality for All? Explore.
Anthem and "Inequality for All" had many similarities. When Equality was wondering in Anthem, how blind we had to be to not see where the world was headed and how the individualist was disappearing. And in IFA, there have been problems with equality and it only seems like its getting worse. In Anthem, Equality says, "Perhaps they cried out in protest and in warning. But men pain no heed to their warning" (103). This quote works both for them because it shows how no matter what, it seems as if nothing can or will change. In both pieces, there are people trying to save the good matter and show people what is really happening, but the people in charge do not want anything to change because they are all scared of it.
5. Now that you finished both works, what kind of action could you take in order to be an authentic self? To make an impact on the economic crisis?
Something that I can do to be my own Authentic self would be to start taking some more action in my community. Even though I am only 15, a little goes a long way. I can start my own club to let my community become more aware about this life situation. We could discuss new ways to help equality for all. It is time things have changed for the better.
Jayden Cho
I agree and support your idea on just trying to change even a little bit of the community can have a big impact. I think it has been even easier to do so, yet people don't have the courage and boldness enough to go against the words of the majority. We should all as an individual understand right from wrong, and stand up together.
Drew Wachtel
ReplyDelete1) I think that it is the first time that Equality began to think of himself as an individual and not as a whole with his brothers and sisters. He is becoming independent, but with that happening it shows the formation of Equality’s new EGO. Equality also doesn’t think of his brothers as friends anymore but he doesn’t hate his brothers. Equality now only likes the people that don’t conform with the City.
2) Equality means when he says “ Creed of Corruption” is creed is a guide used to affect someone's actions. Creed of Corruption also means the rules of his city are told in a way that corrupts the people. It could also mean that the leaders of the city are controlling the way that people live like picking their jobs to work and not letting the people say “ I”.
3) Equality means that the men were enslaved by the gods, then by the kings, then his birth, then his brothers and last his race. He learned freedom is a right that can not be taken away. The men were so used to being slaves, they didn’t know how else to live their lives.
4) Anthem and “ Inequality For All” have many similarities the biggest one that I found is that in Anthem all of the brothers except for Equality are blind of what the City is hiding from them. Equality finds out at the end of the book what the City is trying to hide from all of his brothers and his plan is to go back into the city and try and enlighten all of his brothers on the word “I”. In “Inequality For All” Robert Reich tries and enlighten the middle class about what is going on in the country. In both cases no one listens to them at first but if they keep trying they will get people to listen.
5) I could try and help enlighten people in this Highschool because the younger you know about this crisis the more time you have to think about what you might do to help out and maybe stop this problem in the middle class. I could tell my parents that this problem is happening so they could be aware of this problem and do something to help this crisis.
I liked how in your first paragraph you included the word EGO and what that meant for Equality.
DeletePeyton Levental ^^^^
DeleteBen Worthley
DeleteI like and agree with your first paragraph
Lucas Kaufman
ReplyDelete1. "I am. I think. I will" What is the significance of those words to you? Explain fully.
Equality 7-2521, or rather Prometheus, has for his entire life lived in an oppressive society where the individual does not exist and all actions of men are to benefit all their brothers in one way or another. Especially for someone as intellectually gifted as Prometheus, this society has been so restraining and rigid on denying any sort of individual thought that joy cannot be found in life, despite the claims that the society can produce only joy in men. The statement, “I am. I think. I will” (94) is the completion of Prometheus’ self-development, the resolution of his journey to find the words to describe his beliefs, and not only his acceptance but his embrace of the idea of self over society.
2. Explain what Equality means by the creed of corruption?
Part XI in “Anthem” is basically Prometheus’ full acceptance of his individualism with his discovery of the word “I” and his gaining of some of the knowledge lost in the Unmentionable Times. Just as the society called Prometheus’ ideas “corrupted”, Prometheus has stated that he is “done with [their] creed of corruption.” (97). Prometheus has seen at this point that he has been right in his thinking of the self and that there was more to life than constant servitude of all other men, a secret unbenounced to all but, now, Gaea. He has seen that everything the society said about corruption and evil is completely backwards and that they are truly the corrupt and the evil.
3. What did Equality learn about slavery and freedom? Why did men give up their freedom once they earned it?
In Part XII of “Anthem”, the newly-named Prometheus reflects on all the knowledge he has gained about the history of man’s freedom. He found that men had been enslaved by many different forces. First gods, in ancient times when near everyone was a devout polytheist, and obeyed what they thought of as the command of their gods without question. But man broke these chains when polytheism started to fade in favor of more monotheistic religions, especially Christianity. They were then enslaved by kings, and the complete obedience was now to the ruler of the land, who would often persecute any who dared to challenge him or the monarchy. These chains, too, were broken with the rise of democracy in the world, since now it is the people who elect who they want to govern them. Finally, man fell under his own wrath, when the Unmentionable Times concluded and the society that Prometheus escaped from was born. Men there, too, are unquestioningly obedient to all their brothers, and do or think nothing which is not desired by the community. Prometheus seems to be confused about why man would give up these great freedoms once he earned them, as they are some of the most precious things in life and should be enjoyed by all.
Jayden Cho
I liked how you put the first answer in a good summary, and how it was the completion of his self development. This made me understand the answer a lot better and clearer
Lucas Kaufman (Continued)
ReplyDelete4. Discuss any three of the precepts which Equality adopts as his guide to life? Do you see any similarity between them and the thoughts of Robert Reich in Inequality for All? Explore. You may have to write an essay comparing the two. π
In Parts XI and XII of “Anthem”, Prometheus is finally able to come to terms with the ideas of self that he has valued for so long, yet thought of as a sin because that was the common consensus. I’ve noticed that there are many similarities between this new Equality and Robert Reich in our society. Both are people who could be described as “the little guy” (Prometheus holding a low-class profession in the society and Robert Reich being literally short and at the bottom of the popularity totem pole in school) and both are not afraid to stand and speak up about what they believe in, regardless of society’s reaction to them. They both have very clear and defined beliefs as well, with Prometheus’ two-part-long rant about how evil the society he was born into was and that he would do everything in his power to fight it, and Reich’s looking out for the little guy and fighting for their benefit because he knows the cycle this will kick-start will eventually come back around and benefit the top 1%, who would be hurt by Reich’s economic plan initially.
5. Now that you finished both works, what kind of action could you take in order to be an authentic self? To make an impact on the economic crisis? Again, who knows if this will be part of your final essay? π
Something “Anthem” often brought to my mind is the idea that when people associate too closely with a certain group or community, they can lose their sense of individuality from that group. To truly be my authentic self, I can avoid this sort of thing (but not groups entirely, as that social aspect of life is very important) and make sure any big decisions I make in my life are genuinely mine, and that I do not do anything that will affect the rest of my life just because the group told me to. This authentic self is also very important in our current government, as only a true individual will be able to restore the United States’ economy from the state it is in that was made so apparent in “Inequality for All”. What I’m saying is that we need someone who really is not afraid of breaking the social norms, of not making as much money as before, and not afraid of the changes that are necessary for us to survive as a truly equal and democratic nation.
Julia Campbell
DeleteI like what you said at the end of your fifth paragraph, its true, we will have to make some drastic changes and they probably won't seem beneficial at first but they're going to help us so much in the long run. If we change that way our economy runs, we NEED to have open minded people that are willing to make changes in their life with us to support the greater good.
Abhi Sharma
ReplyDeleteI am, I think, I will. What is the significance of those words to you?
What this word significance is that Equality is starting to think more about himself for the first time like he didn’t how he looked until he looked at his reflection or his personality. I think this connected to the cave because he is thinking about himself for the first time and wants to enlighten the world that they have the right to talk about their freedoms and use the word I to describe yourself.
Explain what Equality mean by the creed of corruption?
What the creed of corruption means is that Equality does not like groups because the word does not mean independent it means groups. He wants individuals to think about there selves and not to use the word we to describe themselves.
What did Equality learn about freedom and slavery? Why did men give up their freedom once they earned it?
What he learned about slavery is that man was enslaved by the gods, then by the kings, then by his birth, then his race. What he learned about freedom is that it no one can take it away from you. No one can’t take your rights like freedom of speech. Men gave up their freedoms because they did not know how live there lives.
Discuss any three of the precepts which Equality adopts as his guide to life? Do you see any similarity between them and the thoughts of Robert Reich in Inequality for All? Explore. You may have to write an essay comparing the two.
What Equality believes in is that coming together as a whole is beneficial. He also believes that individuals also need to earn alone time and not all things have to be done in groups. This similar to Robert Reich in Inequality for all because he is focusing on the same goal as people rights and people working together in groups.π
5. Now that you finished both works, what kind of action could you take in order to be an authentic self? To make an impact on the economic crisis? Again, who knows if this will be part of your final essay? π
The action that I would take for my freedom is my freedom of speech by protesting the council saying that this is wrong and we all should have rights like the freedom of speech, protesting and the right to come up with ideas instead of the council denying those good ideas that can help their society.
Julia Campbell
ReplyDelete1. "I am. I think. I will" What is the significance of those words to you? Explain fully.
To me, these words are necessary because they give a purpose and definition to what we are as humans. More specifically the words “I am” signifies my distinction and identity. We take this for granted, our ability to be ourselves and not a collection of brain-dead clones. “I think” gives us the capability to share and access our notions. To me, “I will” gives us the drive to do and create things of our own. Without these words, our society would be diminished to one much similar to Equality's, but sometimes these thoughts clash from other peoples perspectives and it makes you wonder would we be better off living in a concentrated thought bubble? But if we did live like this could you even call it living, as it shows in Equality’s life there was no will to live before he broke away from the group. Therefore without these words, we would lose ourselves entirely.
2. Explain what Equality means by the creed of corruption?
The Creed of corruption is the cycle of Equality's home and their destruction of personality. What Equality calls the creed of corruption is a sequence in which the small-minded leach off those with intellect, “...weak steal the might of the strong, by which the fools steal the wisdom of the sages.”.
3. What did Equality learn about slavery and freedom? Why did men give up their freedom once they earned it?
Equality learned that humans persevere for their rights to freedom. He also determined that those who lived before him and fought for their freedom were destroyed along with their inventions, and all that was left were the ones who believed that the human process of suffering began at our thoughts of self.
4. Discuss any three of the precepts which Equality adopts as his guide to life? Do you see any similarity between them and the thoughts of Robert Reich in Inequality for All? Explore. You may have to write an essay comparing the two. π
Anthem and Inequality for all share a lot of comparisons. I think that the most important one is how Equality now despised the word we and all of its connotations for the horrid society that he was forced to endure. This rule is similar to Robert Reich’s clear observation that the economy is failing. In the end, both of them are just trying to save those who are like-minded.
5. Now that you finished both works, what kind of action could you take in order to be an authentic self? To make an impact on the economic crisis? Again, who knows if this will be part of your final essay? π
For me, to be an authentic self means that you don’t follow the restrictions that your society throws at you and that you follow your own code of life like the one that equality made. I think this also means not making decisions as a group just because you want to be similar to others, and to make your own decisions because of it appealing to you. All in all, if you want to be yourself, do things that you want to do, it doesn’t matter if it's abnormal as long as it doesn't disrespect or harm anyone.
Sophia Lakos
DeleteI really liked and agreed with your comment on how to be your authentic self
i like the details you used in your work and also the meaning behind it
DeleteJayden Cho
1. "I am. I think. I will" What is the significance of those words to you? Explain fully.
These are the first words that Prometheus says after what seems to be a long period of time since his last journal entry. These few words show Prometheus’s development and enlightenment as a human. Throughout this passage, Prometheus almost sounds like a philosophical thinker, where he goes in depth of the meaning of this phrase, which would only be human instinct to us. I say human instinct because just as in the myth of “Pandora’s Box”, all the bad traits of humans are spilled out of the box, such as jealousy, greed, and fear. These traits are all human instinct since we are born, but the Anthem society tries so hard to get rid of these traits, for these also can lead into hatred, lies, and eventually wars. However, Prometheus has struggled to go without these traits, and is finally fully shown to be a human, one who can understand about jealousy, greed, and fear and know how these traits can be useful as well. The significance of these words show to me the advancement of our society, how over the past 100 years have we really been focusing on the power of an individual, such as the freedom of speech, as well as inputting new ideas without consequences. Prometheus explains this when talking about his most prized treasures, “I guard my treasure, my thought, my will, my freedom. And the greatest of these is freedom.” Even with this advancement however, I don’t think it’s possible for the whole world to respect everyone’s own “self”(Pg. 95-96). Somewhere in the world, there will always be restrictions and limitations to someone's human rights, whether it be that person’s race, gender, ethnicity, etc. I think that the world should work on at least reducing the amount of this in all places, for some countries still do not have equal rights in different genders and race.
2. Explain what Equality means by the creed of corruption?
Equality says that the creed of corruption is the meaning of the word “we”, and how it was used to extensively in his old society. He says the word can only be used as a second thought, for the thought of themself is much more important. We is the reason there were no differences in his society, for even the “wise”, the “strong”, and the “educated” are just fake made up words for everyone is equal. Equality also strongly thinks that this would create a huge amount of obedience, to the point of which it is similar to that of a slave. He says this after saying the meaning of “we”, “What is my joy if all hands, even the unclean, can reach into it? What is my wisdom, if even the fools can dictate to me? What is my freedom, if all creatures, even the botched and the impotent, are my masters? What is my life, if I am but to bow, to agree and to obey?”(Pg. 97) The creed of corruption in literal terms means the beliefs of dishonesty to hide the true fact, or when something is altered to change the meaning. Robert Reich touches about this how recent politics are heavily swayed by the power of money, even though politics should be a fair debate with the use of everyone’s freedoms of speech. This connects to Anthem where the word “we” is used to hide the fact of everyone’s self, and is in place of the word I. The society has been completely stripped of their power of human rights in general, which is against most modern nations today.
Lucas Kaufman
DeleteThe ONE other person who refers to Equality as Prometheus in this reading...
While reading your answer to the first question, I saw how you talked about Prometheus being a very philosophical thinker. I noticed this too, and I think a big part of why is that for almost the entire book Prometheus was very unsure of his place in the world, and this philosophy may have been his way of trying to answer all his questions. I also liked your comparison of human instinct in "Anthem" to Pandora's Box, and I can definitely see how the society Prometheus grew up in was trying to force everything Pandora let out back into the box, and Prometheus was the one person who could not only accept, but embrace all these bad things because he knows that all the good things in the world make the bad worth it.
While reading
Lucas Kaufman
DeleteI have no idea why it says "While reading" at the end of my reply
3. What did Equality learn about slavery and freedom? Why did men give up their freedom once they earned it?
Equality learns that at one point human history was primarily ran through the spirit of freedom. Since the beginning, men broke all the chains restrictions for his right of man was higher than all, no matter how powerful the authority was. This long period of time, shaped by individual thoughts and minds creating this huge structure could be seen as the golden age for Equality, the period where all minds and individuality prospered. However, this huge structure which not even god, kings, and race could get rid of was destroyed by the man’s worship of the word “we”. This powerful word broke all the individual beams and supports carrying the huge structure, and caused the lack of need for innovation, technology, and past inventions. He mentions that the recovery of even the simple of these, was founded by, “Perhaps, later, some men had been born with the mind and the courage to recover these things which were lost; perhaps these men came before the Council of Scholars.”(Pg. 102-103)
4. Discuss any three of the precepts which Equality adopts as his guide to life? Do you see any similarity between them and the thoughts of Robert Reich in Inequality for All? Explore. You may have to write an essay comparing the two. π
Equality adopts many precepts as his guide to life during the process of enlightenment. One precept was that the idea of the word “we” should be avoided at all costs, and should only be thought of as a second thought. This is similar to Robert Reich’s Inequality for All because the whole middle class doesn’t seem to know and understand this wealth inequality compared to them and the top 1%. I remember when one of the workers in the documentary seems to think that this wealth inequality is due to the skill and education difference between him and the top 1%. This wealth gap however is huge, and it seems like many workers and modern day people think of this, for it is the common misconception of the cause for wealth inequality. Robert Reich is trying to get rid of this common misconception, and educate everyone to think by themselves and understand the unfairness. Another precept Equality adopts as his guide to life is how the society should be run the mind of all people, whether any differences, and not run by a group of higher people. Robert Reich connects this by saying how the government should be decided by the voice of common people, and that no one higher group should change the course of the government. He says that over the past few years, many people in the top 1% have been feeding and giving money to politics, so that their favored side would win. This should be abolished for it goes against the reason for politics, how a fair argument between any person with the freedom of speech can talk about their beliefs.
5. Now that you finished both works, what kind of action could you take in order to be an authentic self? To make an impact on the economic crisis? Again, who knows if this will be part of your final essay? π
To become an authentic self, I think we should start teaching at a very young age to be not have groups of people you would strive to be in. For example, even starting from elementary school there are the “Popular” group, and it seems as if everyone wants to be part of this. Everyone tries to act like what they would think as “cool” or “popular”, and it only gets worse as the years go by. Everyone should strive to be a unique, creative individual, for everyone is born different yet try becoming less of that. To change this economic crisis, we can try more and more taxation on the top people of the wealth hierarchy, which seems to only be getting worse every presidential election. Why is it that the wealthy control politics, so it is almost impossible to raise taxes on them? We should make it against the law to have wealth part of politics, so votes can be more fair.
Frankie Huntress
ReplyDelete1.The importance of these words are that he is realizing the importance of self and that there is good in being alone.
2.He means that the way men are living are corrupt in how one person serves everyone but not himself
3.Men in the cities where slaves to each other and freedom was feared and after the unspeakable times they gave up their freedom because they were so afraid to lose it again
4.Inequality for all and anthem are really coming together in how people have to work together not a equals but not as opposites
5.One action you could take that would help a lot is taxing the rich a lot more because then the government creates more jobs and better educate those workers and those workers make better product and the company's make more money and the rich get more and the government gets more in taxes
Lucy ELerath
ReplyDelete1.)I think the statement "I am. I think. I will" is so important because it reminds us what Equality was missing without ‘I’, he was missing who he was and what he thought and what he does or will do. He didn’t know what he looked like and what he as an individual was and he was put down for being smart and going against the flow and having to use the collective ‘we’. With what he will do and has done, He had decided to share the invention with the council and He decided to break out of the prison he was put in. So these sentences show how much he is realizing and it shows he has learned from the books he had found. His is the moment he realized there was more and he is not so trusting of the council and the world he thought he knew because he was unaccepted with the invention and the word ‘I’ was hidden from him. I feel like he always knew there was something he was missing because he is really smart and I can't imagine having a sentence trying to say ‘I love you’ be as hard to say as this, “We are one...alone...and only...and we love you who are one...alone...and only.”(Pg. 86) If this was how I said I love you I would feel so awkward and like I was doing it in a weird way. We don’t know what that is like or maybe we do and we just don’t know we are being controlled that much. It’s hard to imagine something like that.
2.)The Creed of Corruption is when the intellectually weak take knowledge from the strong, “The weak steal the might of the strong, by which the fools steal the wisdom of the sages.” He feels it is corrupting the intelligence of those who earned it.
3.)Equality learned what slavery was because he the world he lived in was fixed and he had to succumb to the council since he was born. It is like the Truman Show, and it leaves with him finding out what was never meant to be found out. He learns about freedom when he leaves to the uncharted forest because he even said, “Some day, we shall stop and build a house, when we shall have gone far enough.”(Pg 84-85) showing he feels liberated and he trusts Liberty/Golden One/Gaea and loves her and is not as afraid because he is with her, and he will fight for her.
4.)Something Equality adopts is selfishness, but he is kinda justified. He begins to use ‘I’ as the correct replacement and he starts thinking about himself and his girl and his child. The movie kinda made selfishness a point, the higher ups wanted more money and that was driving our economy to be inequality and political debates. Equality starts to idolize ‘I’ or himself and his discovery where the film showed the political problems with that.
5.)I think that in order to be the authentic self we should recognize our selves but also the greater people and sometimes the greater people is overlooked. Like having a company that is going to make and sell something that will be massively used not just put $ money in the higher up pocket and the item should be something of necessity. I wonder why there are more results for the best iPhones and not results in abolishing deadly diseases or hunger in third world countries. To create the most authentic self we have to take ourselves back to the first hour, and from there decipher what is us and what's others influencing us. An action could be large companies have lower class consultants coming in and evaluating the product and all the other contributing factors like the price and the target audience and the use of the item, etc. This will help both the company to make more money which means more money for workers and the money can go back into the economy and the lower class won't feel so inferior and will be more likely to buy the product.
Evan Brenner
ReplyDelete1. "I am. I think. I will" What is the significance of those words to you? Explain fully.
I think that this means that no matter what anyone says to you, you are your own unique person and nobody can change it. You control everything you do or say in life and you are your own individual. "My hands...My spirit...My sky...My forest...This earth of mine..." (94). I think this quote is showing that Equality is starting to think of himself as his own individual.
2. Explain what Equality means by the creed of corruption?
When Equality says the creed of corruption I think he is referring to the word “We”. Creed is a guide to affect someone else’s actions. Creed of corruption means that the rules of his city are told in a way that disrupts the people. “What is my life, if I am but to bow, to agree and to obey?”(97). Equality means by this that he wants people to be who they are and not be controlled by others except themselves.
3. What did Equality learn about slavery and freedom? Why did men give up their freedom once they earned it?
Equality learned that at first man was enslaved by the gods, then by the kings, then his birth, then his kin, then his race. “There is nothing to take a man's freedom away from him, save other men…”(101). Men were so used to being slaves that they did not know how to live their life. Also men gave up their freedom because they knew that it couldn’t be taken from them.
4. Discuss any three of the precepts which Equality adopts as his guide to life? Do you see any similarity between them and the thoughts of Robert Reich in Inequality for All? Explore. You may have to write an essay comparing the two. π
One precept Equality wants to adopt as his guide to life is individuality. He is starting to realize that if you wanna live life the best you can it has to be as your own person and making your own choices. Some similarities between them are that they kind of expressed individuality similarly.
5. Now that you finished both works, what kind of action could you take in order to be an authentic self? To make an impact on the economic crisis? Again, who knows if this will be part of your final essay? π
Some actions I could take in order to be an authentic self is just continue to be myself and an individual. Also maybe contribute in more community service or anything that helps the community.
Drew Wachtel
DeleteI like that you will help in community service because I feel like helping out the people that can't help themselves.
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ReplyDelete1. "I am. I think. I will" What is the significance of those words to you? Explain fully.
ReplyDeletethese words are necessary because they give a purpose and definition to humans.also the words “I am” signifies my distinction and identity. We take this for granted, our ability to be ourselves and not a collection of brain-dead clones. “I think” gives us the capability to share and access our notions. To me, “I will” gives us the drive to do and create things of our own. Without these words, our society would be diminished to one much similar to Equality's, but sometimes these thoughts clash from other peoples perspectives and it makes you wonder would we be better off living in a concentrated thought bubble? But if we did live like this could you even call it living, as it shows in Equality’s life there was no will to live before he broke away from the group. Therefore without these words, we would lose ourselves entirely.
2. Explain what Equality means by the creed of corruption?
The Creed of corruption is the cycle of Equality's home and their destruction of personality. What Equality calls the creed of corruption is a sequence in which the small-minded leach off those with intellect, “...weak steal the might of the strong, by which the fools steal the wisdom of the sages.”.
3. What did Equality learn about slavery and freedom? Why did men give up their freedom once they earned it?
Equality learned that humans persevere for their rights to freedom. He also determined that those who lived before him and fought for their freedom were destroyed along with their inventions, and all that was left were the ones who believed that the human process of suffering began at our thoughts of self.
4. Discuss any three of the precepts which Equality adopts as his guide to life? Do you see any similarity between them and the thoughts of Robert Reich in Inequality for All? Explore. You may have to write an essay comparing the two.
Anthem and Inequality for all share a lot of comparisons. the most important one is how Equality now despised the word we and all for the horrid society that he was forced to endure. This rule is similar to Robert Reich’s clear observation that the economy is failing. In the end, both of them are just trying to save those who are like-minded.
5. Now that you finished both works, what kind of action could you take in order to be an authentic self? To make an impact on the economic crisis?
For me, to be an authentic self means to be 100% real and 100% you. I think this also means not making decisions as a group just because you want to be similar to others, and to make your own decisions because of it appealing to you. All in all, if you want to be yourself, do things that you want to do, it doesn’t matter if it's abnormal as long as it doesn't disrespect or harm anyone.
james k
Delete"I am. I think. I will" What is the significance of those words to you? Explain fully.
ReplyDeleteThe significance of those words to me is that they show how equality has discovered the meaning of self and he intends to use it.
Explain what Equality means by the creed of corruption?
Equality means the rules of his city are told in a way that corrupts people.
What did Equality learn about slavery and freedom? Why did men give up their freedom once they earned it?
Because at first, men were enslaved by the gods. Just like in “allegory of a cave” (-Plato), once man was enlightened about freedom, all they knew was slavery. Similar to Plato, mankind “went back into the cave”
4. Discuss any three of the precepts which Equality adopts as his guide to life? Do you see any similarity between them and the thoughts of Robert Reich in Inequality for All? Explore. You may have to write an essay comparing the two.
Equality adopts the meaning of self. Just like in inequality for all where the lower class people started to look around and realize that they need to care more for themselves than the corporate buisness people.
mitch keamy
Davis Blanch
ReplyDelete1. The significance of the words to me are, I am something so I think I can do something, I will do something because I think I can.
2. Equality means that their old society was very corrupt, the people all served one group but they cannot do something by themselves or else it will be not accepted.
3. Men gave up their freedom because once they got their freedom after the Unmentionable times, the people gave it away again to the people who controlled the society to try and prevent the unmentionable times from happening again, but the people were becoming slaves by giving up their freedom
4. Inequality for all and Anthem both come together in a way, to get freedom you have to work with each other as equals and have them agree with each other and not be opposites constantly arguing say their side is better.
5. One action we could take would be to talk with the rich and try and agree on a way of fixing the pay gap, for example, we could try and agree on a higher pay for the middle class so that the middle and lower class citizens are not working two or three jobs. I would not tax the rich because they are already paying a lot for taxes.
Mitch Keamy (Revised)
ReplyDelete1. "I am. I think. I will" What is the significance of those words to you? Explain fully.
The significance of those words to me is that they show how equality has discovered the meaning of self and he intends to use it.
2. Explain what Equality means by the creed of corruption?
Equality means the rules of his city are told in a way that corrupts people. It makes them slaves to the more powerful people, and wipes the ego out of their mind to make them forget what it means to be "I."
3. What did Equality learn about slavery and freedom? Why did men give up their freedom once they earned it?
Because at first, men were enslaved by the gods. Just like in “allegory of a cave” (-Plato), once man was enlightened about freedom, all they knew was slavery. Similar to Plato, mankind “went back into the cave”
4. Discuss any three of the precepts which Equality adopts as his guide to life? Do you see any similarity between them and the thoughts of Robert Reich in Inequality for All? Explore. You may have to write an essay comparing the two.
Equality adopts the meaning of self. Just like in inequality for all where the lower class people started to look around and realize that they need to care more for themselves than the corporate buisness people.
5. Now that you finished both works, what kind of action could you take in order to be an authentic self? To make an impact on the economic crisis? Again, who knows if this will be part of your final essay? π
To be more of an authentic self, I could worry less about fitting in and pursue my own interests a little more. Maybe that way, I could encourage other people to be their authentic self. To make an impact on the economic crisis, I could inform (enlighten) people, preferably adult business owners, about the issue so they can better understand the wealth divide and what happens when they have more money than they can spend. Therefore, hopefully, They can change their ways and their pay rates for their employees and make a difference in our countries monetary issues.