Friday, September 21, 2018

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development

Overview:  This agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan. We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we are announcing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda. They seek to build on the Millennium Development Goals and complete what these did not achieve. They seek to realize the human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. They are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental.

Directions:  Please visit The Global Goals for Sustainable Development website below.  Find 1-2 goals you would like to explore this year.  Explain why your choices would be important to you.  How do you see this playing out in the literature we read?


  1. I decided to select two sustainable goals for the 2018-2019 school year. Almost two years ago, I decided to become a vegan after watching a documentary called “Food Choices,” which inspired me to make the life change and read a series of books, scientific articles, and interviews about the food industry and its impact on not only animals, but the environment. Therefore, I want to focus on “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.” I not only have switched to a vegan diet, but started to only wear clothing that is environmentally sound and cruelty free.

    Further, my work this year with Sustainable Global Goals and Teaching Global Classrooms extended from last year’s Fulbright program. With our class blog and new grading system, I am hoping to promote genuine learning and change the way we view school and testing. With the implementation of global initiatives to enrich our literature units, I hope students will feel the immediacy of literature and make the books more meaningful. Further, TGC hopes students will become global citizens who take action to the world’s needs. I look forward to taking action with all of you. Therefore, my other focus will be “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

    I look forward to working with all of you this year!

    Mr. P. ;)

  2. Jayden Cho

    I really liked your first goal, and how you became vegan after watching a documentary. I remember that similarly about 2 years ago I read a very informational book called "Chew on This". This book showed me everything about fast food restaurants, and how negative results they can bring. After reading that book, I have reduced my going to a fast food restaurant, and also have been trying to eat healthier.

  3. Drew Wachtel
    1. One of my goals for this year is trying to convince my parents to get solar panels to help the climate. If we don't fix global warming people might die from the increasing huricanes all over the world. Also Florida and Cape Cod might be under water if we don't do anything to stop global warming in the next 10 years. This goal goes with goal 7 which is Affordable and clean energy.

    2. My second goal for this year is to try and eat right and stay in good health. If you try and start doing things like eating salads and protein when you are young you have a higher chance of living longer in the long run. People all over the world should start to think more about what they eat and not just eat sweets that taste good but has no dietary value. This goal goes with goal 3 which is Good Health and Well Being.

    1. I like your second paragraph, I too have been trying to eat healthier and agree with you saying how more people should watch what they eat.

    2. Peyton Levental ^^^^^^

    3. I also agree. You are what you eat.

    4. Evan Brenner

      Health was also one of the goals I chose to use.

  4. Peyton Levental

    I have been noticing that the ocean is covered in trash recently. With all of the plastic that gets into the ocean it has been killing our fish and choking our turtles. I chose goal number 14, life below water for this year. Our oceans are getting polluted and the fish are dying. Seeing this I would like to make a change. I will use less plastic, but if I do, it will go into the correct spot and not into the ocean.

    My second goal would be number 6, Clean Water and Sanitation. I chose this one because I saw a documentary a little while ago about africa, and how in some places, people would need to walk miles and miles just to get fresh and clean water. It is so crazy for how much they do just only to get a minimal amount of water that they could carry back on the tops of their heads. I would love to help out by donating to an organization that helps to solve this problem so that people everywhere can always have easy access to clean water.

  5. Frankie Huntress

    my family has started to compost more and use reusable bags so my first goal is global action, which is saving the enviroment against global warming which is destroying the earth and causing crazy weather patterns that is why i am doing global action

    My second goal is affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all i chouse this one becuse after all of the gas exploshions it makes you thinkis cheap gas realy my house we changed all of our lights to led light which use 30% of the enrgy and emite two time the light.

  6. Jayden Cho

    1 goal I want to work on is "CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION Goal 6." I remember watching a documentary on what would happen if you were limited to 1 gallon of water a day for all activities, whether it were showers, washing, bathrooms, drinking and more. What surprised me was although inconvenient and annoying at times, it was a pretty livable experience. This could change the future on saving water, as well as having others around the world have enough water in their lives. What I would like to try for 2018/2019 is to save as much water as possible in a regular day, even if it was as small as not wasting water while washing your hands.

    My second goal for 2018/2019 is not wasting food, which would fall under the category of "ZERO HUNGER Goal 2." I want to always take as much as I know I can eat, and not waste any food. If everyone in the world were to have a balanced diet for their size and shape, this world wouldn't suffer as much of poverty as right now. We wouldn't be wasting precious and limited resources and would help the world recognize the problem even further.

  7. The 2 goals I want to achieve are Life on Land and Life Under Water. These choices are important to me because oxygen is one important need for survival, and coral protects the world's coasts from storms, floods, etc. Also, animals are losing their homes because woodcutters are cutting trees down and warmer waters are killing coral altogether. If we don't help, civilization will end. There will be noo food to eat, no clean water to drink and no oxygen to breathe. But, everyone can make a difference. Perhaps use metal water bottles instead of plastic ones, turn off electricity when not in use and grow more trees. Then, the world will be a better place to live in.

  8. Davis Blanch

    I decided to choose 2 sustainable goals for the school year. The first goal I chose was “Goal 13 ( Sustainable Development )”. I chose goal 13 because the environment is slowly degrading, the seashores are getting smaller and the forests are shrinking from Global warming/ pollution and deforestation. My family started composting a few years ago and using reusable bags.

    The second goal I chose for this school year was “Goal 7 (clean energy)”. I chose this goal because of the gas explosions recently and because the natural gas will eventually run out and the earth will have to start using renewable energy eventually so why not start early and figure everything out instead of having to create a renewable source when we are in desperate need of one.

    1. Your second goal is similar to mine because we are both trying to help make the world switch to cleaner energy like solar panels and wind mills.

    2. That was Drew Wachtel

  9. 9/23/18
    #1) I have been noticing it is harder to recycle in Massachusetts so I will be finding ways to recycle, this goes with goal #14 Sustainable Development Goal, pollution substances in the water is killing animals and plant life.
    #2) I choose goal number #1 No Poverty. For my second goal I will be donating everything that I would normally throw away or pass down to family- such as clothes and toys and other items I wish to giveaway- only to Goodwill. Goodwill is a non-profit organization that anyone can donate almost anything to, they sell the items and take the money and use it to pay their employees and give scholarships to their employees’ children. Goodwill has a mission to fight unemployment and underemployment. They build loyalty and believe every employee has the potential to be a great business person. They use people’s skills as a way to give them a great job to match their skill set. They also help other organizations by helping build brands and partnering with so many organizations.

    1. I also think that good will is a great place to donate old clothes too. It really helps the environment too since with re-using clothes less factory's are polluting the air to make your clothes.

    2. ^^ that was Julia Campbell

    3. wow I never thought of it like that.

  10. Ben Worthley

    For the 2018-2019 school year I have decided to focus on “Sustainable Goal”:16 promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. The justice system of our country has been somewhat interesting to me. I have read countless articles and watched a lot of documentaries about the justice system of our country and other countries around the world. What I have come to see is that a lot of public officials around the world are corrupt. This has to change If we want to have justice for all the people of the world.


  11. Julia Campbell
    I liked the Sustainable Development Goal (#7) because it spreads the message of how there are lots of people who suffer through their loss of technology. “Globally, 85.3 percent of the population had access to electricity in 2014, an increase of only 0.3 percentage points since 2012.”. This company sheds light on the electricity issues in parts of the world like sub-saharan Africa and some of Asia. My goal is important to me because using electricity unnecessarily can cause pollution. To make electricity we have to burn fossil fuels which causes pollution which leads to global warming. I will find ways to incorporate power saving into my life, for instance turning off the water while I brush my teeth, or taking shorter showers etc. Overal lI believe that this website has impacted me because I will no longer be wasting power/energy in my house.

  12. Lucas Kaufman

    1. When we are young, we have this view of the world as a idealistic place where any “problems” we may have faced are all in the past and all led up to the perfect society we live in. As we mature, we realize that this isn’t the case, and a lot of the problems we learn about in school and elsewhere are still happening in today’s world. The first goal I am turning my attention to is #5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Things like child marriage, under representation in the workforce, and the idea of “women as the nurturers, men as the providers” are all significant in today’s society, even in the US. It is important that people know that they matter regardless of anything, let alone a factor they couldn’t even control, like gender, race, sexuality, etc.

    2. The second goal I will be focusing on is #16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Things like homicide, human trafficking, and abuse are on the decline in developed countries, but are still prevalent in places like the Middle East, Latin America, and sub-Saharan Africa. But horrible things like these do still happen all over the world, and already have caused permanent damage to the world as a whole. Things such as birth registration, freedom of information, and fair job payments are also rare and even non-existent in developing parts of the world, and it is important to make sure that they do become global things that every person on this earth has the right to enjoy.

  13. Gannon Sylvester
    Freshmen English ©
    Global Matters In the Community

    One of the goals that I find is helpful in today's society is a Quality Education for every Human Being. This is important to me because I believe that Education is the solution to most, if not all of the problems in the world today. If every human has a good education than it would be much easier to solve problems like poverty for example. One of the leading causes in people not being able to afford a good life, is not being educated, like people dropping out of school, not going to college, or just not doing well in general, which could lead to them dropping out. Today in the US, about 25% of high school freshmen fail to graduate before they drop out. This could either have to do with multiple things, how their home life is, the student in general, or how good their school system is. This can be fixed with hiring quality teachers in lower educated school districts throughout the US, and this will hopefully fix students dropping out and will get them more interested in learning. Usually, children from wealthier families do better than kids from the poorer regions. This is solely because they can afford for their kids to go to better school districts. But it also has to do with the child, people almost always think that kids in lower educated areas just don’t want to learn, but most of them do. A lot of them want to learn and get educated so that they can have a well-developed childhood and lean towards a brighter future.

    2. The second goal that is important to me and today's economy is Sustainable development and economic growth. The main reason this is important is that we want to raise the employment rate in our country, and to grow in the essential components of industries that have a great impact on today's society. The world has been growing in population rapidly and there has been much unemployment all over the globe. There have been many resource shortages for major industries that make products to support today's society. Multiple ways we can improve this problem to increase employment and resource growth is to to make sure that the big industries are hiring the right people for the job to make sure that they are making decisions that will have a positive impact on our economy.

  14. Evan Brenner

    One of my Sustainable goals is that I hope to ensure ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for everyone. I decided to pick this because I can’t even live or bare one day without electricity. I can’t even start to imagine what it’s like living with no electricity for a long time. I read that approximately 1.06 billion people functioned without power in 2014.

    Another one of my goals is Goals #3 which is ensure healthy lives and promote well- being for all at all ages. Some people don’t realize how much good and healthy food impacts your life. For example, if you eat candy for your whole life suppose to eating more vegetables, meat, and chicken you will live longer.

  15. I decided to choose goals. The first goal I chose was Goal 13. I chose 13 because the environment is slowly destroying because of our pollution, the seashores are getting smaller and the forests are shrinking from Global warming/ pollution and deforestation. My family started composting a few years ago and using reusable bags.

    The second goal I chose for this school year was Goal 7 . I chose this goal because of the our pollution we are creating natural gas will eventually run out and the earth will have to start using renewable energy. So we have to cut down on everything and try to cut down all the pollution we are creating.

  16. Sophia Lakos

    For my first goal I chose “DEVELOPMENT GOAL 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.” This one stuck out to me because it is something that is happening fast. There have been many vast changes in the past years like from 1990 to 2015, more than 1.6 million people died in internationally reported natural disasters. That is a big number that continues to rise each year. They have been raising money but it doesn’t seem like much is being done. As of 20 April 2017, seven developing countries successfully completed and submitted the first iteration of their national adaptation plans, in response to climate change. Many countries have been implementing local disaster reduction strategies but no one has really taken charge. I will do my part and try to conserve energy.

    The second one that is really important to me is “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss” At least one fifth of earth’s surface is covered by vegetation but showed declining trends in productivity, mostly in South America and Africa. Biodiversity loss continues at an alarming rate according to the Red List Index.

  17. Mitch Keamy

    I would like to explore life under sea because I am against cast-netting because they do much more damage then intended when they are abandoned. I would also like to take up global hunger because americans waste a lot of food and money that could be helping those in need in the third world countries.

  18. I think that clean water is important because water us life. If we let it go to waste we are harming ourself and animals that are on land and sea.

    My parents are thinking to buy a solor panel but it is expensive. I think that they should bring the price down because we are helping our self and around us.

  19. Abhi Sharma

    One of my goal is clean water because water is what hydrates without it we would not be here. Water is not just for us it is for plants, animals. If we waste water or let it go to waste we are harming our self and the environment around us.

    My second goal is Affordable energy. My parents are thinking about buying a solar panel but the problem is that it is expensive. The reason they want to buy a solar panel because we can energy the natural way from the sun instead of from coal and oil that is polluting the air.


Due Friday, June 14th - All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Mr. Pellerin's Freshmen English

Overview :  Go back to our first blog, and walk through the 2018-2019 school year.  Revisit the books we read and our class responses.  Look...